If you want to see your website in top Bing search results, start
working on your grammar, typos, and language, and remove the content
from your website that has been poorly written. Why? It is because Bing
has informed a very important thing about its search ranking algorithms
that it does not promote a page in its search results that contains poor
grammar, typos, and the language.

Surely, you would be interested to know where this important fact about search ranking algorithms of Bing has been publicized. This fact has been disclosed in a post on the Bing Webmaster blog. The post has been written by Duane Forrester, senior product manager at Bing. If you want to read the blog, copy and paste the following URL in your internet browser’s address bar: www.bing.com/blogs/site_blogs/b/webmaster/archive/2014/02/20/quality-do-you-have-it-or-just-think-you-have-it.aspx.
Here, I would like to share a line that has touched my heart and that line is: “Just as you’re judging others’ writing, so the engines judge yours.”
I appreciate Bing for this algorithm policy since it discourages spammers who write content not to provide information but to stuff their keywords. This algorithm policy benefits its users and helps them obtain high quality content.

Surely, you would be interested to know where this important fact about search ranking algorithms of Bing has been publicized. This fact has been disclosed in a post on the Bing Webmaster blog. The post has been written by Duane Forrester, senior product manager at Bing. If you want to read the blog, copy and paste the following URL in your internet browser’s address bar: www.bing.com/blogs/site_blogs/b/webmaster/archive/2014/02/20/quality-do-you-have-it-or-just-think-you-have-it.aspx.
Here, I would like to share a line that has touched my heart and that line is: “Just as you’re judging others’ writing, so the engines judge yours.”
I appreciate Bing for this algorithm policy since it discourages spammers who write content not to provide information but to stuff their keywords. This algorithm policy benefits its users and helps them obtain high quality content.
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